

Total Earned


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Earn Affiliate Balance
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10% per sale, your account will be automatically credited once someone makes an order using your affiliate URL above.
For privacy we automatically delete inactive accounts after 3 months of inactivity, we only delete inactive accounts if they are without active subscriptions.
Make sure to login or use the API at least once every 3 months to keep your account alive.
Affiliates are for people who want to re-sell, we reward those who bring us sales with 10% of the total paid price of the order. All that is needed is for you to share the affiliate URL on this page, and when someone buys your account will be automatically credited with a percentage of the sale.
Note: The customer who purchases using your affiliate URL must be a new customer with no previous orders, you can only gain balance once per customer.
Affiliate History

These are logs of all users who have either purchased or registered using your affiliate url.

Time Type Earnings